Cyber security is away for individuals and organizations to mitigate the risk of cyber attacks. The core function of cyber security is to protect the devices we all use (smart phones, laptops, tablets, computers) and the services we access online and at work from theft or damage.
Modern societies increasingly rely on the global network’s communications and information technologies. However, this sustained accreditation is accompanied by a range of emerging and potential threats to the network, information security and the information community and its members. The growing misuse of electronic networks for criminal purposes negatively affects the integrity of sensitive national information infrastructure, particularly on personal information and children’s security.

Due to the recent technological development, several new areas have emerged that have gained a high profile in the la bour market, and on the contrary this development has made many areas rare, or may have made them dis appear altogether.
One area that has become widely known and has a distinct place among people is cyber security.
Cyber security has assumed the utmost importance because of the increase in cyber attacks on companies, institutions, government bodies and ordinary Internet users.
What is cyber security?
Cyber security is the protection of networks and information systems, systems and components of operational technologies, services and data contained in any hack, disruption or unlawful exploitation.
The concept of cyber security encompasses the concept of technical information security, cyber security and digital security.
This area has become a mass demand around the world, and not only is cyber security important for protection, but it is a great source of money.
According to the annual report released in 2019 by Cyber Security Job’s, there will be a 350% increase in employment opportunities for cyber security workers between 2013 and 2021.

According to the same report, in 2021 there will be 3. 5 million job vacancies world wide, from 2011 to now the un employment rate for workers in this field was zero%
Difference between cyber security and information security
First we have to know some thing important, which is that there is a difference when we say information security and when we say cyber security, so what’s the difference?
Not knowing the difference between the terms made many people confuse them, because of the definitions and technical words that most people cannot understand.
In order to separate the two concepts, both criteria (NIST7298) and (CNSSI4009) were clearly defined, but first we must know what those criteria were.
For NIST, it is the standard arm of the U.S. Department of Commerce, and CNSSI is the U.S. Commission on National Security Regulations.
According to NIST, “information security” is intended to protect electronic systems from illegal access, or to tamper with information during storage, processing or transportation.
It also aims to protect against disruption of legitimate users’ services, and also takes care of the necessary means to detect, document and counter all threats.
So information security is concerned with huge areas such as encryption, storage, physical insurance (i.e. physical tangible), risk management and information security.
For “cyber security”, by the Oxford dictionary, the term “cybernetic” is an adjective for anything related to computer culture, information technology or virtual reality.
According to the same sources (NIST) and CNSSI, cyber security is intended to defend cyberspace against cyber attacks.
Also based on the same sources, cyberspace is a global field within the information environment, consisting of an independent network of infrastructure for Internet-style operating systems, communication networks, computer systems and processors.
Well, if the picture isn’t clear to you yet, and you still confuse cyber security with information security, we’ll tell you the simple conclusion that:
Cyber security
It is concerned with the protection of all matters related to technology, technology and digital information, i.e. the protection extends to electronic devices and equipment, not only the digital information inside them.
It is concerned with protecting devices, operating systems, networks and anything else related to technology and hacking.

Information Security
It is concerned with the protection of all information, whether digital or non-digital, and protects nothing tangible technical except digital information.
The common thing between cyber security and information security is the protection of digital or technical information (only), the following graphic may make it easier for you to tell the difference between them.
Fields of use
Cyber security is one of the most important technical areas related to modern devices and technologies, and contains many specializations and many job opportunities.
We will not mention all areas of cyber security, we will mention only the most important, because the areas and aspects of cyber security are many and multiple, so we will only take care of the most famous ones.
1. Hack test
2. Disaster response
3. Network analysis
4. Information security policy and management
5. Gaps assessment
6. Reverse engineering
7. Developing the exploitation of gaps
8. Developing information security tools
9. Digital criminal investigation
Of course, any one of those areas has several certificates and several levels, and it is self-evident that we will always start with the junior level.
Cyber security Functions
1. Director of Information Security
2. Director of Security
3. The addict or the security officer
4. Cyber security analyst
5. Cyber security specialist
6. Digital criminal specialist
7. Gaps researcher and exploitative developer
Cyber security Trails and Certificates
The basic certificate is a certificate of protection (Security) called a certificate (+ Security) in which you learn the basics of cyber security.
Then choose the paths you want:
1. Track (Network Security) provides CCNA certificate then CCNP certificate then CCIE.
2. Information Security provides a Security + certificate that you will have obtained in advance, then an SSCP certificate and then a CISSP certificate.
3. Path (Security Management) provides CISM certification and then CISSP certification.
4. Path (Penetration Testing Test) provides CEH certificate then OSCP certificate then GPEN certificate then GWAPT certificate.
5. Path (Security Auditing) provides a ISO27001 certificate and then a CISA certificate and then a PCI certificate and then a COBIT5 certificate.
Finally, our proposed methodology for you to study cyber security is as follows:
-First: Start studying programming languages which is one of the most basic stages, you should study the basic language of website structure HTML besides the CSS language.
Then study Java Script then Python, then Database, then add whatever you like from other languages but you need to take care of these languages first.
-Second: Study the basics of cyber security from obtaining a certificate (+ Security) as mentioned above, and you need to pay attention to the basics of the Kali Linux system because it has tools that will help you learn cyber security.
Then take care of other systems especially (Windows – Mac Android – Ios).
-Third: Network Security.
-Fourth: Information Security Study.
-Fifth: Study what you want from the other tracks mentioned above after studying the first three tracks, and the more tracks you care about the more experience you have in cyber security.