
Everything about Information Technology (IT)


The term information technology refers to the study of computers and any type of telecommunications that store, retrieve, transmit, process and transmit information. Information technology includes a range of devices and software used to perform basic tasks that people need on a daily basis.

IT has come and revolutionised technology to bring us a range of disciplines that are based on pure technology, where it has become very interesting to integrate science with technology! All of these disciplines that we will learn about emerged during today’s article as a result of the dramatic technological development that has become accelerated.

Everything about Information Technology (IT)

There is no doubt today that the “IT disciplines”, which are called “Information Technology Specialties” in English, are very popular among students because technology and its specializations by nature offer temptations that are difficult to resist.

It should be noted that future science is the science of computer science, software science, and information systems. Therefore, we will now highlight the most important of these disciplines which can be considered as the disciplines of the future.

Personal Features of Information Technology Pioneers

Learn from here about the best skills, personal qualities and qualifications that will make you skilled and brilliant in studying and working with Information Technology disciplines in the lab our market as well.

1. Logical Thinking.

2. Programming and Software Development.

3. Systems and Data Analysis.

4. Data exploration.

5. Data security and networking skills.

6. Ability to solve problems.

7. Keeping up with technological developments.

8. Working in one team.

9. Ability to serve and communicate with customers as required.

10. Experience in project management.

11. Planning and organization.

12. Good skills in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, which are now called STEM skills.

13. Knowledge of computer science.

14. Good English skills.

15. Ability to handle precision electronic devices.

16. Ability to formulate issues and deal with numbers, this is achieved only through the realization of logical analysis and thinking skills.

List of Information Technology and future disciplines

This part of the article shows the most important literary disciplines, and through today’s article you can also have a comprehensive knowledge of the overall job opportunities that can be obtained in a later section of this article. Perhaps the most prominent specializations of information technology provided an opportunity for you on the directory of specializations are:

1. Printing  3D

2. Aerospace Engineering

3. Animation and Multimedia

4. Artificial Intelligence

5. Astronomy

6. Audio Engineering

7. Computer Engineering

8. Computer Science

9. Network Security – Cyber Security

10. Data Science

11. Film Studies

12. Internet of Things

13. Robotics

14. Software Engineering

15. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (VR)

The future of Information Technology disciplines

Most disciplines and all their categories, including technical ones, range from stagnant to saturated, or required, given the general state of the la bour market, which plays a key role in influencing the proportion of demand and stagnation of specialization, leading to the division of disciplines into required, stagnant and saturated. What do we mean by demand, stagnation and satisfaction?

The future of Information Technology disciplines

Percentage of demand for specialization

Demand for specialization is meant to be needed by the la bour market, making it easier for graduates to find a job in the field.

Recession and gratification

While specialization is stagnant or saturated in case the la bour market does not need it. Thus, it is difficult for graduates of the specialty to find a job.

1. Alternative and Renewable Energy Engineering.

2.  Robotics

3.  Artificial Intelligence

4.  VR And AR

5.  Data Science

6.  Internet of Things

7.  3D Printing

8.  Cyber Security

9.  Social Innovation

10.  Education Technology

Pros and cons of Information Technology disciplines

Regardless of the technology’s advanced stages, as well as its immense and incalculable benefits and uses; Technology is not without negatives and dis advantages, either. It is therefore necessary to add a section showing you the identification and improvements of information technology.

There are many specialists in IT, computer technicians, programmers, and software developers and many reasons why technology’s down sides and pros need to be perceived as going into all the details of our daily lives:

Advantages of Information Technology disciplines

1. Creating new jobs

2. Saving time, effort and cost

3. High wages

4. Working in the most developed and developed areas

5. Technology sometimes contributes to raising workers’ and employees’ wages

6. Access to the so-called distance education service

Negatives of Information Technology disciplines

1. The disappearance of many handicrafts.

2. Lack of privacy, violation and easy penetration.

3. Poor family relationships due to excessive use.

4. Limited universities teaching future disciplines in the Arab world.

5. Technology may provide unreliable news or content due to multiple sources.

6. Technology has been a powerful factor in the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and nuclear weapons.

7. The addiction of users of technology to it as they have become neglected their tasks at the expense of wasting time on it.

8. Work pressure, working for many, long hours, where the IT graduate often works himself.

9. People have become dependent on all things that need to think and exercise the mind on technology only before making any individual efforts which has led to their low level of thinking because of the reliance on computing, translating terminology and more on technology.

Areas of work of information technology specializations

Several articles, studies and predictions point to the dis appearance of many existing jobs and other job solutions in their place in the future. But, on the other hand, technology will provide jobs instead of them. According to the 2040 Future Jobs Report, the main jobs that will stand tall and in control of the labour market by 2040 may be:

In Robotics

1. Robot Suppliers

2. Robotics Programmers

3. Maintenance of robots

4. Monitoring robots

5. Robot Operating Technicians

6. Plastic Surgeon for Robots

7. Travel Agents for Robots

8. Robotics Communication Skills Developers

9. Robotics Business Developers

10.Robotics Presentations and Events

11.Consultants on the ethics of robot construction

In data science and big data

1. Data Scientists

2. Data Analyst

3. Data controllers

4. Data brokers

5. Data Extractor

6. Data Science Investigators

7. Data credit agents

8. Specialists in the value and ethical aspect of data preservation and use

In Self-driving cars and drones

1.  Traffic Analyst

2. Aircraft Systems Engineer

3. Smart Road Engineer

4. Sensor Operator

5. Command Centre Officer

6. Maintenance of drones

7. Drone Design

8. Drone Programmer

9. Drone Sales Agent

10.Drone Command Centre Officer

11.Staff member, Air Security Task Forces

In Health and Medicine

1. Nurse

2. Nurse and Assistant for the Elderly

3. Specialist in the promotion of mental health

4. Anti-Ageing Specialist

5. Specialist in neurostimulation of the brain

6. Designer and engineer in the field of gene regulation and genetic modification

In Artificial Intelligence

1. Cyber Security Expert

2. AI Expert

3. AI-enriched artist

4. AI-enriched writer

5. AI-enriched musician

6. AI-enriched accountant

In of 3D printing

1. Programmer

2. Cipher Developer

3. Computer Researcher

4. Researcher in Material Science

5. Biotechnology Researcher

6. Designed for 3D products

7. Architectural Designer for Digital Homes

8. Workers for 3D Housebuilding

9. Printer Operating Technician 3D

10.Food 3D Printing Specialist

11.printer manufacturing and maintenance engineer 3D

12.Printed Prosthetic Industry Specialist

13. Industry Specialist for Reconstructive Surgery 3D

In Space Activities

1. Blueprint for space-specific tasks

2. Space Traffic Analyst

3. Spacecraft Launch Management

4. Designed to develop the Space Zoar experience

5. Expert in meteorology and space

6. Expert in reducing the implications of a space visit

7. Task forces for the preparation of spacecraft launches and payload processing

Best universities to study technological disciplines around the world

1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology in America

2.Stanford University in America

3. Carnegie Mellon University in America

4. UC Berkeley in America

5. Cambridge University in Britain

6. Harvard University in America

7. Oxford University in Britain

8. Princeton University in America

9. ETH Zurich – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

10.University of Toronto, Canada

Technological facts you need to know

1. The email appeared before the Internet appeared.

2. Russia has developed a water computer, building a proto type that uses a complex system of water-filled interconnected tubes.

3. NASA was hacked in 1999, where 15-year-old Jonathan James managed to hack and hack NASA data, obtained more than 3000 messages, a name and a staff password, and later forced the agency to shut down its computer systems for 3 weeks to treat the problem, costing almost $ 41000.

Article Conclusion

At the end of this article, it can be said that we use technology to serve us and this world, let us use it instead of using us. Let’s take a step towards thinking and moving seriously about the future.

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