
Metaverse: Everything you need to know


It was the first use of the term Metaverse in Neil Stevenson’s 1992 science fiction novel (Snow Crash), in which humans interact as fictional characters with each other and with software, in a virtual three-dimensional space similar to the real world. The use of the term has been developed over time and has been its first use in Virtual World platforms as a Cloud Live platform, the authors at D.C.Comex have begun using the term “metaverse” as of 2019 to refer to a central version of reality affecting other versions in alternative time lines.

The term Metaverse has been used for the development and amplification of public relations for different technologies and projects of the same kind. Since many online group games share features with Metaverse but only provide access to non-permanent cases, shared by up to dozens of players, the concept of multi-universe virtual games has been used to distinguish them from Metaverse.

Metaverse: Everything you need to know

The term Metaverse is commonly used to describe the concept of presumed future versions of the Internet, consisting of decentralized and permanently connected 3D simulations. These virtual worlds can be accessed and accessed via virtual reality glasses, mobile, desktop computers and gaming platforms.

“Metaverse” in the broadest sense may refer not only to virtual worlds, but also to the Internet as a whole, including the full range of augmented reality.

Metaverse Definition

Several research on Metaverse have suggested that there is still a tangible ambiguity in determining the full and clear meaning of Metaverse and what it is, perhaps because there is still more work to fully develop this technology.

But Metaverse is arguably a huge social network that includes a combination of virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), and 3D environments. In addition to artificial intelligence (AI) technologies interacted in real time, effective and continuous, involving an un limited number of people around the world, providing a real immersion environment for users and a real sense, virtual real communication in environments that are quite similar to environments in fact, as well as different transaction types such as communications, payment and others.

Also (Mystakidis, 2022) stated that the Metaverse is a post-reality world, in which physical reality is combined with virtual environments in a connected network that includes continuous and multi-person interactions, and contains worlds for open play and is based on virtual reality VR and augmented AR, and users are represented in it with avatars The interaction between them takes place in real time and with a sense of immersion experienced by the users, and these symbols are called avatars.

Metaverse environment and type of technology used

Metaverse is based on complex and over lapping types of virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and mixture (MR) technology and together forms a combination of so-called extended reality (RX). Relying on three-dimensional techniques to create virtual objects that closely integrate with physical and human sensors, also overlap with AI, IoT, computer vision, sensory sensors and other technologies such as blockchain to ensure data storage and handling to ensure protection and privacy of users, Lee et al. 2021 In his search for Metaverse, eight basic technologies underpinning Metaverse include extended reality, user interaction, robots, artificial intelligence and other associated technologies, as illustrated in the following form:

Metaverse environment and type of technology used

Metaverse-supported web generation

For the web generation supported by Metaverse it will be overlap from several generations but most not ably (Web 4.0), which is linked to an integrative symbiotic relationship with IoT and AI or as called the symbiotic web, in which the features of fusion and real immersion in the virtual world are evident while activating decentralized services that help users navigate and interact greatly.

They share intelligent agents, sensors and language processing services, all of which represent a qualitative shift in the web world and its services, but has the Web (4.0) appeared out of nowhere or has it been the data and its power stored since its first entry into computers? Especially Web (2.0) when companies showed interest in and collection of data, creating a huge graphic force that emerged as a result of it Web (3.0), where it crystallized large and quality services for users and a greater role of interaction and harmony for users with Web (3.0) services, which still shows us updates every day.

Blockchain and Bicoin are among the most prominent features of the Web (3.0). We can say in short that Metaverse is a big data fledgling that has come together and accumulated over decades in which we share a larger web. (2.0) The main product of the data, the Web (3.0) that benefited from and stored this data, and the Web (4.0) That really employed this data across the afore mentioned technologies, and maybe there will be a generation or other generations of the web that fit the new worlds of Metaverse.

Features that can result from using Metaverse socially

One of the most important features that Mark Zucker berg mentioned when he announced the change of company name to Meta, which I see as truly amazing, is:

  • Interact and sharing with people and friends, share loved hobbies together in real time, such as video games, and attend their social events effortlessly or afford travel costs, which are sometimes not available in the physical world.
  • The important advantage also mention is to alleviate congestion, save times and avoid problems arising from the difficulty and complexity of transportation.
  • There are a variety of spaces similar to or above real spaces in which virtual life is practised. There is home space, workspace, play space and interaction spaces with the outside world in Metaverse, offering many options for users that do not cause boredom and routine.

In my view, I add to these advantages the following:

  • Creating social relationships suitable for certain groups that are often overlooked in real reality, such as older people in old people’s homes, or those with special needs in their centers who lack the reality of social communication only within a few limits.
  • Attending football matches in particular has another feeling when the full immersion is done and the true atmosphere of the match which is never like following the match via television.
  • Finding and choosing partners, such as choosing the right husband or wife in real life via virtual may be a real advantage that can be reached via VR through deep knowledge of the characters and choosing the right criteria for each may ultimately lead to successful marital relationships.
  • A great feature is also the avatar expressing the user’s personality (Avatar) where the user can choose what he or she desires without certain limits in a personal drawing that fully expresses the owner.

Negatives that can result from using Metaverse socially

  • Privacy, is the biggest threat Metaverse may make, there is no place to hide and keep walls closed. People’s data have become everyone’s (accept or refuse), but privacy laws and strict standards on companies may help avoid deep problems at this point.
  • Isolation, too, can be real damage to individuals and societies in material reality. Everyone who lives in their own Metaversey world and forget about their own real world.

Also, the fear of the break down of morals and exposure to high doses of pornography and sexuality may in the long run destroy the principles and morals of the generation, thus creating a generation that does not know the difference between relationships and which Halal or Haram.

How can the Metaverse environment support education?

Re searchers, teachers, policy makers and digital designers have the opportunity to lead the way rather than fall down, and to take advantage of Metaverse’s potential as a 3D, global, interconnected and immersive online space in real time, so we need new ways to connect the physical world to augmented and virtual reality experiences.

Some research has stated that Metaverse can be used in the medical field effectively in the future to give users a more comprehensive, interactive and collaborative medical education.

Metaverse environment

Metaverse promises great benefits in aviation in particular. in which they give tremendous opportunities to interact with aircraft and offer semi-real flight experiences, Also in the field of maintenance and engineering with smart glasses augmented by virtual objects, modules that process different travelers’ speeches and languages, smart plans to control the atmosphere in the sky and dominate the itinerary in constant interaction and precise details that are surprising and call for the use of Metaverse in the best aviation methods and education.

In Science

  • Conducting and dealing with chemical reactions in an almost real and realistic manner, whether the elements used are radioactive or contain a high percentage of uranium and radium, there will be potential to achieve this before the eyes of learners without fear of any damage that such materials can cause in real laboratories in physical reality.
  • Transforming abstract concepts that have long eluded understanding and perception of students’ minds and making them embodied in front of them. In the Metaverse  world, they can see carbon atoms scattering around them or forming symmetrical or asymmetric matrices in various compounds and molecules, accumulating or spacing before their eyes.

This enables them to see the structures of objects and their invisible forms in physical reality, and they know how much carbon atom surrounds them in everything, and what safe proportion of their various structures such as CO2 they deal with on an ongoing basis, leading them to rationalize consumption and choose the safest vehicles for the individual and the environment. They also recognize the real risk posed by the ozone hole and the emission of harmful gases in changing the Earth’s climate and nature.

It is precisely here that Metaverse can be formed real about the Earth’s shape, with these real threats and how this can be observed with a realistic vision that charts the devastating effects of climate change on humans and living creatures in general, thus helping students to make a short-term effort to preserve their near environment and, in the long term, to preserve the planet as a whole.

  • It is also used in micro biology, the study of organisms and diving in the human body and the knowledge of precise details, impossible to reach in the real human body, and may reveal previously un disclosed relation ships and interactions.

In History

They can be greatly used to show case history and defunct cultures, to explore the secrets of history and the weirdness of the past, to look for stories of enduring nations and past civilizations and to represent them in a realistic manner that suggests human living and modernization for all different times.

In Art

Metaverse represents a fertile artistic environment to teach and learn art in its forms, colors and interpretations, and Metaverse residents may one day be able to solve mysterious mysteries in Pablo Picasso’s famous paintings, write a new page in art by Metaverse, and its un limited art imagination allows everyone to contribute to it, participate in its drawing and create what they want without limitations.

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